Generating a load message file
We may want to run simulations where we have specific number of messages of different sizes generated in a particular time interval. This is needed when we run traces of Reality, Infocom etc. ONE provides a Perl script in the toolkit folder which can generate this for you. The only pre-requisite is that you have a Perl installed in your system. For example, In Windows run a command like this from the toolkit folder: perl -time 0:19000 -nrof 100 -hosts 0:35 -sizes 1000:100000 > load.txt In Linux, do the following: ./ -time 0:19000 -nrof 100 -hosts 0:35 -sizes 1000:100000 > load.txt Here, time: You should specify the start time and end time. Please make sure that the end time if greater than the last encounter time that is used in the trace files. nrof: Number of messages to be generated within the time frame. size: The minimum and maximum sizes of the messages that you want to generate. The above example will loa...